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'Dating Naked' woman sues VH1 for showing her private parts

Yes, Jessie Nizewitz, 28, a New York model, happily stripped down to her birthday suit for the VH1 show Dating Naked.
Kayaking is a perfectly fine first date activity. So why not do it naked and on TV?

Yes, Jessie Nizewitz, 28, a New York model, happily stripped down to her birthday suit for the VH1 show Dating Naked.

She was promised that her private parts would be blurred out.

But during a moment in Episode 2, as she wrestled on the beach with her date — oops! — the blur team missed a moment, revealing much more than she wanted.


And that moment did not escape viewers' eyes. When it aired July 31, Nizewitz, um, became the butt of jokes on YouTube, Twitter and Tumblr, according to the court papers, The New York Post reports. "Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer extreme emotional distress, mental anguish, humiliation and embarrassment."

(A quick search of Twitter will turn up the unfortunate photo pretty quickly.)

So now, Nizewitz has filed a $10 million lawsuit in Manhattan.

"I felt lied to, manipulated and used. I was horrified," Nizewitz tells The Post, adding that she was brought to tears.

VH1 says that because it's pending litigation, there will be no comment.

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