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Baby wakes up dancing, thanks to Bruno Mars

A baby named Christian has already figured out the secret to having a great day
A baby named Christian has already figured out the secret to having a great day.

At 20 months old, a baby named Christian has already figured out the secret to having a great day. All he needs is to wake up to Bruno Mars' "Runaway Baby" and he starts shaking his tush. Then he sits up, smiles and throws his tiny fists in the air. The day is already won!

Christian's father, Walter Piper of Cincinnati, Ohio, told TODAY.com the back story of his baby's desire to boogie. "When he was about 13 months we discovered he had food allergies," Piper said. "He would be so uncomfortable we would play music to calm him down and help him sleep. But he would wake up cranky, so we decided to wake him the same way we put him to sleep."

While baby Christian is a big Bruno Mars fan, he definitely has a favorite tune. "'Runaway Baby' was the song his child care provider would play for him regularly and he would dance and sing to it, so we thought it would work," Piper said. "The rest is history. Christian will dance to anything, but 'Runaway Baby' is his favorite."

Little Christian takes the party beyond the crib, too. "He would dance 24/7 if we played the right tunes," Piper said. "That's how he got the nickname 'Go Christian.'"

Thanks for showing us all how to start the day off right, little man!

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