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1 year after her birth in McDonald's, 'Little Nugget' will celebrate her first birthday

Grab some fries, Baby Nandi is turning one!

ATLANTA — It's been one year since a woman took a quick bathroom break at a Fulton County McDonald's and gave birth to who the community now deems "Little Nugget." Now mother Alandria Worthy is asking the community to celebrate her little girl's first birthday at the Golden Arches.

People are invited to celebrate Nandi at the McDonald's at 571 Fulton Industrial Blvd. SW on Nov. 16. Guests are welcome to indulge in a cheeseburger, fries, and lay their eyes on how 'Little Nugget' isn't so little anymore.

'Little Nugget's' birth story

Around a year ago, Worthy felt her first contractions that would prompt her fiancé, Deandre Phillips, to rush her to the hospital. The couple had just moved to Georgia.

"I immediately felt like I had to use the bathroom," Worthy explained. "So we stopped by McDonald's to use the bathroom."

Once inside, her water immediately broke.

General Manager Tunisia Woodward walked into the restroom and found Worthy.

"I thought they was joking, and I open this door, didn’t see anyone, but I saw feet [under the door]," Woodward said. "I opened, and she was on this toilet lying back, screaming. Then I knew to tell my crew; we’re having a baby today." 

Woodward and her two colleagues, Sha’querria Kaigler and Keisha Blue-Murray, quickly sprung into action.

Worthy's fiancé wasn't far behind.

"She was on the toilet screaming," Phillips remembered. The ladies at McDonald's were at her front side, holding her hands, I had her feet propped up on my knees. We told her to push three pushes. She was a fighter."

Fifteen minutes later, Nandi Ariyah Moremi Phillips was born.

The couple says it was "divine intervention" that brought them to McDonald's to get help from the three women.

"We all are mothers and so we put our heads together and all we needed daddy to do was catch the baby. And he did," Woodward said. "It’s a day I’ll never forget. I’m going to tell this story from here on out."

Although the baby's birth certificate reads "Nandi Ariyah Moremi Phillips," the McDonald's heroes have given the baby girl their own nickname.

"I said, we're going to name her Little Nugget. That's her nickname: McDonald's Little Nugget," Woodward said.

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