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Once strangers, two Atlanta men help save each other's lives

Six months after one friend helped another get a heart transplant, both are thriving.
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ATLANTA — Two Georgia men both say they are only alive because of each other. 

Adam Gates and Tim Simmons had their first fateful encounter two years ago. They met at a crucial time when both were struggling. 

Gates was working for a catering company in Atlanta when he saw the man whose friendship would change everything. Simmons was experiencing homelessness when they met through a fence, and he asked Gates for something to eat. 

That one encounter was life-changing, marking the beginning of their story and special connection. 

"I can give you food today, I can get you food next week, and we just developed a friendship," Gates said. "There was something special about him."

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Gates moved to Colorado weeks later but continued to ensure Simmons's food was provided in Georgia. He would often message his coworkers in Atlanta, asking them to feed Simmons, who was still living on the street.

The two continued fostering their relationship over text. They texted every day. Simmons said their messages and Gates' acts of kindness -- and hope -- saved his life.

"I needed help. And hope met me. Hope was there," he said.

Years later, when Gates suffered a crippling depression, Simmons sent that hope back through their messages. Gates said Simmons kept him alive with his words.

"To have someone who was so positive and so uplifting and nonjudgmental, I just knew I would do whatever I could to support him. to pay him back to that," Gates added. 

It wasn't long before that message in need of support hit Gates' phone.

Simmons needed a heart transplant, and because of his history of addiction, he needed to raise $5,000 to ensure he could care for his new heart.

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Simmons had suffered a stroke, heart attack and heart failure. His situation was desperate.

Over text, Gates told Simmons he would start a fundraiser to help pay for his care.

"There's hope. There's beauty -- I love him," Simmons said. 

Gates raised $5,000 for Simmons and secured post-transplant care for his friend. 

Six months ago, Simmons got his new heart and a new future.

"As he got himself off the street and worked to get a car and get a house, the pride that I had in watching this man come out of the streets and become sober, it's so uplifting," Gates said.

The two reconnected in Atlanta this week at an art show: Simmons with his new heart and Gates with a new lease on life.

They're now working together to write a book based on Tim's life. Neither one of them ever thought they would make it this far. 

"I see his heart," Simmons said. "That's what I see."

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