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Atlanta City Hall serves up meals to community for first time on Thankgiving say

The hungry and homeless, along with law enforcement and first responders, received a hot meal and other essentials

ATLANTA — It's a harsh reality that many people in Atlanta don't know where their next meal is coming from or where they will lay their heads at night. On Thanksgiving Day, City Hall was transformed into a banquet hall.

There were no proclamations, debates, resolutions or ordinances on the agenda at City Hall Thursday, only helpings and helping hands. 

"If you're here, you're family," Keisha Gates, CEO of Gigi's Helping Hands, said. "My mom was a giver. She was all about family. That was her motto: family first. Giving back is a part of who I am, what I do, and I love it."

Family drives Gates. She named her organization after her mother, who passed away eight years ago. With more than 75 volunteers, she served up more than just food for the hungry and homeless. People came in off the streets or from their homes strapped for cash and a good meal. Every person got a hot meal and could pick up clothes, shoes, toiletries and a haircut.

Outside City Hall, a food truck gave out plates to law enforcement and first responders. 

"We just want to spread the love," Gates said. "We want to help people and make sure they’re fed, just as we’d eat on Thanksgiving. We want them to do the same.”

Atlanta City Councilwoman Keisha Waites worked with Mayor Andre Dickens to open up City Hall on Thanksgiving. The meal, Waites said, marks the first step to meeting their needs in the short-term and long-term.

"This is the people's house," Waites said. "This place belongs to the citizens of Atlanta, and we've got to go a step further. We've got to talk about affordable housing. We've got to talk about how we provide more resources to those that need us the most."

Giving of themselves while giving thanks defines the holiday, the mission and the message for Keisha Gates. For those just stopping by the "People's House," they got all the helpings they wanted and family with which to enjoy them. 

"I learn to be so grateful," Gates said. "I'm grateful to God I have a home and I'm able to go to a home. My mom is with us. I feel her spirit every time I'm doing something with Gigi's Helping Hands."

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