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Metro Atlanta residents describe what the Fourth of July means to them

From Downtown Atlanta to the vibrant community of Woodstock, it became evident that July 4th carries a different significance for each person.

ATLANTA — As the Fourth of July unfolds across the nation, people in the metro Atlanta area are celebrating the holiday with cookouts, fireworks, and cherished moments with family and friends. 

From Downtown Atlanta to the vibrant community of Woodstock, it became evident that July 4th carries a different significance for each person. While some revel in the festivities, others take a more contemplative approach, reflecting on the complex meaning of this historic occasion.

At Woodstock's Star-Spangled Celebration, amid the aroma of hot dogs and hamburgers, a feeling of patriotism filled the air. 

"I enjoy the hot dogs and hamburgers, but more importantly than that, it's about our freedom. That's so important because, particularly if you look around the world, there are so many places that don't have the freedom that we have," Michael Garrick said.  

Amidst the soft serves and sunshine, some took a moment to reflect on the sacrifices made by countless servicemen and women throughout history.

Mike Story, an Army veteran expressed, "As a Vietnam veteran, the 4th of July especially means honoring the servicemen over the years, going all the way back to the Revolutionary War, who sacrificed their lives for our country and helped us gain the freedom we have today."

For others, the meaning of the Fourth of July has evolved over time.

At the National Center for Civil and Human Rights, reminders of the fragility of liberty resonated deeply with some visitors. 

Melanie Morales, who was visiting from Florida expressed, "We wanted to spend a day where we could learn more about what America really does mean and should mean for more people." 

Quoting the renowned abolitionist Frederick Douglass, Muhammed Cannon added, "This celebration is a sham and your boast of liberty, an unholy license. So I just appreciate having a moment to reflect."

One consistent theme emerged: the importance of history and the urgent need to remember the past to propel us toward a brighter future. As people celebrated the Fourth of July in their unique ways, the significance of this day and the ongoing pursuit of liberty resonated deeply with residents of metro Atlanta.

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