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No more kitchen desks and other remodeling secrets

ATLANTA - The kitchen desk is out and automation is in for homeowners looking to remodel.
The kitchen desk is out and automation is in for homeowners looking to remodel, according to Judy Mozen, President of the National Association of the Remodeling Industry.

ATLANTA - The kitchen desk is out and automation is in for homeowners looking to remodel, according to Judy Mozen, President of the National Association of the Remodeling Industry.

"The kitchen desk is gone," said Mozen, who founded Atlanta-based Handcrafted Homes, Inc. "More families want to be centered in the kitchen. With cell phones and tablets, we don't sit at a desk anymore."

Mozen said kitchen renovations are the most popular, followed by the guest bathroom, living room and master bath.

"We can almost always date the house with the bathroom," Mozen added.

Mozen said her clients are showing more interest in technology and automation.

"They want their cell phones connected to their homes," she explained.

Mozen said lighting, temperature, audio and security systems can all be controlled by your cell phone.

Universal design is also becoming more popular for baby boomers, Mozen said.

"They want wider door openings, curbless showers and even grab bars in showers. They're prettier now and can be helpful no matter your age," according to Mozen. "The main priority is improving the look, feel and functionality of the house." 

Mozen notes two other recent design developments: she's seeing more color in houses and getting more requests for man-made quartz over granite for countertops.




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