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Community Guidelines for 11Alive's social media platforms

Thank you for being a part of the 11Alive online community.
Credit: 11Alive

11Alive is Where Atlanta Speaks, and we welcome the opportunity for thoughtful dialogue through your comments and suggestions and we intend to keep you updated with the best of our news coverage.

By interacting on this page, you agree that you will follow the rules and guidelines put in place to keep this platform free from abuse and harassment of other community members.

If a user violates these guidelines, they risk being banned from our platform.

  • "Like" content you enjoy reading and want to see more of.
  • Comment on posts and encourage others by offering your insights and experiences.
  • Ask questions or leave feedback and get responses from our news-gathering team.
  • Comments, links, images or videos that are inappropriate (i.e. obscene, profane or hateful in nature) will be removed from this page, and the original poster will risk being banned from the page.
  • Posts that attack, abuse or harass other community members will be removed from this page, and the original poster will risk being banned from the page.
  • Threats on any person, organization or company will be removed from the page, and the original poster will risk being banned from the page.
  • Spam and advertisements will be removed.
  • Copyrighted material will be removed.

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