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Metro Atlanta man goes back to college after caring for father to fulfill lifelong dream of obtaining college degree

Brian Strong left school 21 years ago to care for his father and will graduate on Sunday.

POWDER SPRINGS, Ga. — Hundreds of graduates will gather this Sunday at Morehouse College’s commencement ceremony to celebrate a significant milestone. Among them is Brian Strong, whose journey to this moment has been nothing short of extraordinary.

Twenty-one years ago, Strong made a difficult decision to leave school and care for his father, who was recovering from a stroke. Despite this interruption, he never gave up on his dream of earning a college degree.

"I always say that Morehouse put out the call for us to come home, you know, and I feel like that's really what it is," Strong shared, reflecting on his return to academia after years of challenges.

Strong's path to graduation was long and winding. He initially attended Tuskegee University from 2000 to 2003 but had to take a break to support his father's health needs. His father tragically passed away in 2021, but this motivated Strong to reignite his educational aspirations.

"I was just actually sitting on a computer, and the Morehouse online program just popped up. So once it popped up, I was just like, okay, I kind of knew that that was, you know, my next step," he explained.

Strong embarked on his online studies at Morehouse during the pandemic, demonstrating resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

"It's the same amount of work, you know; you still had to apply yourself, still had to do the things that you had to do to get them," Strong remarked on his experience.

Now, his hard work will culminate at Sunday’s commencement on the campus green, where he will receive his degree alongside fellow graduates.

More than just a diploma, Strong said he feels he is gaining a community.

"I heard that word, brother, more times in the first two weeks and more than I did in my entire time when I was at Tuskegee," Strong shared, underscoring the sense of camaraderie he found at Morehouse.

Looking ahead, Strong has ambitious plans. After graduation, he intends to pursue a master's degree at Meharry Medical College, where he hopes to eventually earn a Ph.D. in data science.

Strong's story is a testament to perseverance and the power of community support, embodying the spirit of achievement despite life's challenges. As he embarks on this next chapter, Brian remains grateful for the bonds forged during his time at Morehouse College.

For Strong, this Sunday’s commencement is not just an endpoint but a new beginning — one he has worked tirelessly to achieve.

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