GWINNETT CO., Ga – A Gwinnett County mother says her daily walks with her child have become a challenge thanks to drivers who ignore her.
Lindsay Hoskins says too often, drivers travel dangerously close to her while she is in the crosswalk at Hamilton Mill Parkway and Hog Mountain Road.
Commuter Dude Jerry Carnes followed Lindsay and young Lucas on one of their morning journeys. Most drivers were respectful, but a few zipped right in front of the pair rather than waiting for them to safely pass.
“That happens all the time,” says Lindsay. “And I worry when I'm on the road with my child.”
At intersections where there are traffic lights and pedestrian signals, it’s easier to know who needs to go when. At Lindsay’s intersection, there is a four-way stop with turn lanes and painted crosswalks. Drivers are focused on calculating when it’s their turn to move through the intersection, and sometimes don’t notice the pedestrians.
Pedestrians can’t step into a crosswalk whenever they want and assume the right of way. Georgia law says when there is a safe spot, and a pedestrian safely enters a crosswalk, approaching drivers should stop if the pedestrian is in their lane, or one lane away and approaching that lane.
Commuter Dude reached out to Gwinnett County about Lindsay’s issues. Since then, GDOT has replaced temporary crosswalk striping with permanent stripes. There are now flashing lights at the intersection. Lindsay says she’s noticed more police presence.
It worries me because I don't know if they see me, or if they just don't care,” says Hoskins.
Lindsay has to care for her sake, and the sake of her child.