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Racial slurs, physical confrontation lead to stabbing with 'katana style knives' in Cartersville | Police report

The man who was arrested stated to police he was called a "dumb (N-word)" by the individual he later allegedly stabbed.
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CARTERSVILLE, Ga. — A man was arrested last weekend at a hotel in Cartersville, according to a police report, after he allegedly stabbed another man who had directed racial slurs at him.

The report, obtained from the Cartersville Police Department, outlines how the man who was stabbed admitted to saying "What's up (N-word)" at the individual who was later arrested.

The man who was arrested stated to police he was called a "dumb (N-word)" by the individual.

The individual who was stabbed claimed he was "minding his own business outside his room" when the man who was later arrested started a verbal argument. Both that man and his girlfriend disputed that to police, saying they were watching Game of Thrones when he started knocking on their door and window glass "aggressively."

Police made contact with another man staying in the room with the man who was stabbed at the hotel, who said they'd been drinking and that he "tends to be a little difficult to deal with when under the influence of alcohol, and that lately, his alcohol intake has increased."

The reporting officer also noted the "strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath and person" and his "acting in a tumultuous manner using profanity toward medical personnel as well as law enforcement officials."

After the verbal altercation, the girlfriend said her boyfriend "went into his vehicle, grabbed two large knives, and stabbed" the other man's stomach. She said he then came back and hid the knives under their bed, and that "she was in disbelief (he) had taken it that far and that she had only been in a relationship with him" for about a month and a half.

The report states that police reviewed surveillance video that broadly confirmed the contours of the story - that "an argument had gotten started," that the man who was stabbed "did act in a tumultuous manner towards" and was "shoving and punching" the man accused of later stabbing him.

It also states the videos show the man who was stabbed had a "blunt object, possibly a knife while standing directly in front of (the other man) in a fighting stance."

At that point the man accused in the stabbing went back into his room, later came out and went to his car, "grabbed a black carrying case, removed two katana-style knives, and approached" the other man who was in front of his room.

The surveillance video showed the man with the knives stabbed the other man in the stomach.

The man who was called the racial slur faces an aggravated assault charge for the stabbing, while the man who was stabbed was taken to Cartersville Medical Center and treated.


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