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Atlanta Public Schools' newly-hired epidemiologist tackling COVID ahead of the holidays

Right now, 14% of the APS student body is considered fully vaccinated.

ATLANTA — As students get ready to travel and spend time with family and friends for the holidays, health leaders in local school districts remain on high alert.

Recently, Atlanta Public Schools hired an epidemiologist to help monitor not only the district's COVID-19 response but other illnesses, as well.

“I’ve been able to do school visits, I’ve been able to assist with the vaccination clinics,” said Juliana Prieto, epidemiologist for Atlanta Public Schools.

Prieto previously worked with the Fulton County Board of Health and will now assist schools with tracking and investigating outbreaks of various diseases.

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“My roles are still evolving,” Prieto said. “As it relates to our COVID-19 response, right now it’s providing guidance as it relates to quarantine and isolation. Eventually, I will look at measles, mumps, chicken pox, foodborne illnesses, etc."

Director of Health Services for Atlanta Public Schools Valencia Hildreth said district leaders recognized the need for a district epidemiologist during the pandemic but adds the role is crucial year-round.

“A district epidemiologist will be able to look at our disease morbidity specific to our urban and rural schools,” she said. “That’s something that other school districts may not recognize and we really wanted to provide that to our families.”

Prieto said when it comes to COVID, she knows for many parents the new omicron variant is top of mind.

“We will be keeping an eye on it throughout the holidays,” she said. ”Initial data shows the new variant is more contagious but the good news is, data shows it’s not as severe.”

Prieto said if a student is traveling over the holidays and they begin to feel sick or a family member tests positive for COVID-19, parents should notify the school, get the child tested and continue to monitor symptoms.

The district is also still promoting vaccinations.

Right now, 14% of the APS student body is considered fully vaccinated; if you combine those students with students who are partially vaccinated, that number jumps to 21%.

Students' last day before break is Friday, Dec. 17, 2021.

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