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Georgia will focus on cyber security with new training center

Georgia will soon break ground on a new state-owned training center for cyber security.

A picture taken on October 17, 2016 shows an employee typing on a computer keyboard at the headquarters of Internet security giant Kaspersky in Moscow. KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP/Getty Images

Georgia will soon break ground on a new state-owned training center for cyber security.

Governor Nathan Deal announced the creation of the Georgia Cyber Innovation and Training Center during a speech before members of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce Tuesday.

"In a world where technology now drives almost every aspect of our lives, that means we must develop and maintain a workforce and the digital resources necessary to meet the ongoing demands of employers and combat those who would undermine the prosperity we have worked so hard to achieve," Gov. Deal said in his speech.

In late 2016, military officials broke ground on a new cyber command headquarters alongside the National Security Agency (NSA) facilities at Fort Gordon in Augusta.

Fort Gordon is home to the Cyber Center of Excellence, a training facility for cyberspace operations.

The Georgia Cyber Innovation and Training Center will be located in Augusta.

Gov. Deal said it will be designed to promote modernization in cyber security technology for both private and public industries.

"In conjunction with the Department of Defense and NSA, this invaluable resource will put Georgia at the pinnacle of efforts to enhance American cyber security in the public and private arenas," Deal said. "The reality is cyber security is important because cyber crime is now bigger than the global black market in marijuana, cocaine and heroin combined."

Deal said Georgia universities and technical colleges will partner in this project to "provide Georgians with good-paying jobs in the digital era and keep us safe from cyber threats."

Deal may provide more details during his State of the State address at 11 a.m. on Wednesday in the Georgia House Chamber.

He's expected to focus on education, jobs and transportation.

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