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CDC opens new exhibit examining the health impacts of 9/11

The exhibit, called Health Effects of 9/11, is located at the David J. Sencer CDC Museum in Atlanta

ATLANTA — In remembrance of 9/11, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention opened a new exhibit in Atlanta.

The exhibit, called Health Effects of 9/11, is located at the David J. Sencer CDC Museum in Atlanta. It examines the impact of the ongoing health and mental health from that day. 

Officials with the World Trade Center Health Program said since the attack, nearly 80,000 people have suffered. Currently, in Georgia, 900 people are being monitored or treated.

"It's it's an ongoing public health issue. The program is here to provide support to those individuals who continue to feel the lasting impacts of 911," Anthony Gardner with the program said. Gardener lost his brother in the 9/11 attacks. 

Gardner said the exhibit is meant to raise awareness for the health program and those who are eligible for healthcare through it. 

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