ATLANTA — The Atlanta Department of Public Works and Atlanta Fire Rescue Department are working to improve AFRD's fleet after a recent audit, according to a Department of Public Works (DPW) spokesperson.
The audit found that several of the department’s apparatuses were either out of commission or in need of repairs. Now, DPW is "implementing a comprehensive plan to significantly enhance the maintenance" of AFRD's fleet.
The two entities meet regularly to discuss strategies for addressing equipment maintenance requirements and vehicle replacements. Recently, they collaborated on developing a vehicle replacement plan that will not only add new vehicles to the fleet but also improve vehicle life expectancy and readiness.
DPW has also produced a strategy to help source equipment faster and increase turnaround time on out-of-service AFRD vehicles and has upgraded its fleet management information system, the spokesperson said in a statement. Also, in its efforts to transition to a "more predictive maintenance model" and enable repairs before breakdowns occur, DPW is testing a platform with AI incorporated.