The Ron Clark Academy (RCA) is a highly-acclaimed, nonprofit middle school located in Southeast Atlanta. The Academy has received both national and international recognition for its success in educating students with academic rigor, passion, and creativity balanced by a strict code of discipline. RCA students represent various socio-economic and academic backgrounds and communities from across the metro region.
The Academy's vision is to extend its reach beyond its student body by having an impact upon students everywhere. RCA is a demonstration school - a place where visiting educators engage in a vibrant professional development experience by observing best practices in action before participating in hands-on workshops. In the past six years, more than 18,000 superintendents, district level administrators, and teachers from 40 states and 22 countries have participated in The RCA Experience to learn better ways to engage students, promote academic rigor, and create a climate and culture that promotes success.
To find out more about The Ron Clark Academy please visit