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Temporary protective order filed against resident after making public comments about Fulton County Sheriff

The resident says she is speaking out about concerns about Fulton County Sheriff Pat Labat and alleged mismanagement of his duties.

ATLANTA — A legal battle is brewing between Fulton County Sheriff Pat Labat and an outspoken resident.

11Alive uncovered a request for a Temporary Restraining Order, filed on behalf of the sheriff to stop the resident, L.A. Pink, from making public comments about him.

“I’m asking for an investigation into Labat,” community activist L.A. Pink said during the Mar. 6 Fulton County Board of Commission Meeting. 

Pink has been extremely vocal during the Board of Commissioners meetings and online for months. She says she is sharing concerns about Fulton County Sheriff Pat Labat and what she claims is mismanagement of his duties.

“[I} went door to door to get him in office, and so now, I’m door to door to get him out. The same energy that I gave to get him in is the same energy I’m giving to get him out,” the resident said.

But Pink is now finding herself in hot water, as a private attorney for the Sheriff has filed a Petition For A Temporary Protective Order against her. The document states that she was internet/cyber-stalking and bullying the sheriff and his wife and alleging misappropriation of funds. The document goes on to say she was asked to stop but continues to do so daily. 

Former prosecutor turned defense attorney Darryl Cohen says this type of filing is extremely rare. 

 “I’ve never heard of an elected official, especially the sheriff, asking for a TPO when he has all of law enforcement with him,” said Cohen.

In addition, Cohen adds that elected officials have a lesser expectation of privacy. 

“First of all, the Sheriff needs to get a little bit thicker skin. Rule number one is when you are a politician, and a sheriff is a politician, you need to have a thick skin because people are going to say nice things about you, and people are going to say bad things about you.  If you don’t like it, don’t run and don’t be the sheriff,” Cohen continued.

11Alive reached out to Sheriff Labat directly for comment but didn’t hear back. However, his attorney, Michael Sterling, sent us the following statement: “I filed the document in question out of an abundance of caution to protect my client. It was then immediately withdrawn after consulting with my client. We were not aware that the filing was active or that a court date had been assigned, because at the first opportunity, I requested that it be withdrawn. I will again request that it be withdrawn, as we do not have any intent to pursue any action at this time.”

But for L.A. Pink, she says that’s not enough. “I feel like my First Amendment Rights have been violated on every level. It made me feel like he was trying to silence me during this election,” she said.

The sheriff is up for re-election later this year.

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