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Clinton maintains she didn't send info marked classified on email



Hillary Clinton, in her first public remarks responding to FBI Director James Comey’s testimony before a House panel on Thursday, stood by her previous claims that she never sent emails marked classified from her private server as secretary of State.

"I stand by what I said: I did not send or receive any material marked classified,” Clinton told ABC News, in a series of interviews Friday after the shootings in Dallas that also touched on the investigation into her email system.

In his testimony, Comey said three of Clinton’s emails had “portion markings” on them indicating they were classified, but since they weren’t properly marked in the email header, Clinton could have missed them. He also said he believes at least two were mistakenly marked as confidential, indicated by a 'c' lower in the body of the message.

In a CNN interview, Clinton once again called her decision to create a private server a “mistake,” while seemingly rejecting Comey’s conclusion that she and her staff had been “extremely careless," including through her use of multiple mobile devices.

“I am certainly relieved and glad that the investigation has concluded, but I also know how important it is to make sure everybody understands that I would certainly not do that again,” Clinton said.

Yet, she added that in his four-hour testimony “the director clarified” that improperly marked emails could have been seen as unclassified.

Still, CNN host Wolf Blitzer pressed her about whether she should have known that other emails, which have been retroactively classified but weren’t marked at the time, contained classified information.

Clinton noted that there were about 300 people in the government with whom she emailed over the course of four years. “They, I believe, did not believe they were sending any material that was classified,” she said. “I do not think they were careless.”

She also sidestepped a question about whether she will cooperate with the State Department’s reopening of its investigation, which was paused during the FBI probe.

“I assume they will pay very close attention” to the Justice Department’s findings, she said.

“I fully cooperated with that,” said Clinton.

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump blasted Clinton's interview, tweeting that she was "answering softball questions about her email lies."

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