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Intergalactic travel plagued by delays

  Intergalactic transportation continues to be plagued by delays and service issues, according to the latest klekket report from the Empire Statistics Bureau.



Intergalactic transportation continues to be plagued by delays and service issues, according to the latest klekket report from the Empire Statistics Bureau.

Space junk from the first Death Star explosion, gravitational interruptions from a black hole near the planet Kashyyyk and issues with droids catching fire in cargo were the leading causes.

Tatooine Galactic posted the best performance, with 97% of its flights on time. Naboo Lines was the worst, with only a 57% on-time rate. It blamed reliability problems with its new hyperdrive mechanism, but says it has resolved the issues. 

Two voyages reported space dock delays of more than 60 Imperial minutes. Hoth Transport flight 3527, from Coruscant to Serenno, kept passengers contained for 3 hours when its pilots were held up on Cloud City. Tatooine Galactic flight 690 to Polis Massa suffered a two hour delay when stormtroopers were summoned to remove an unruly Wookie. 

Other findings from the report:

•Intergalactic flights more reliable. Long-haul service had fewer delays than short planetary hops. Flights of longer than a gigaparsec arrived at an on-time rate of 98%. This marked the best rate of any kek this year.

•Most delayed destinations. Spaceports in Chandrila, Jakku and Malastare were the most delay-prone. Oosalon, which benefits from benevolent stratospheric patterns, had the fewest delays.  

•Passenger complaints. Patrolia Megafleet Carriers received the most complaints from intergalactic fliers. Its controversial policy to allow five Ewoks to a single passenger pod was the culprit. 

•Mishandled cargo. Carriers posted a mishandled baggage rate of 4.62 reports per 1,000 passengers after the theft of 5 drone shipments from a holding dome in Takodana (for the purposes of this report, wheeled droids are classified as cargo, while bipedal droids are considered passengers). 

•Worst days to fly. More flights were canceled or delayed on Zhellday than any other day of the week. Cetaxday was the best time to fly.

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