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Melania Trump speaks to a nation that's rarely heard her voice

CLEVELAND — A presidential candidate’s spouse is supposed to be “a secret weapon,’’ like George W. Bush’s wife, Laura, in his White House campaigns. But as political secrets go, Melania Trump is unusually well kept.  

CLEVELAND — A presidential candidate’s spouse is supposed to be “a secret weapon,’’ like George W. Bush’s wife, Laura, in his White House campaigns. But as political secrets go, Melania Trump is unusually well kept.  

On the campaign trail, the presumptive GOP nominee’s wife has been more seen than heard — and heard at only a handful of public events. She’s overshadowed not only by her Democratic counterpart, Bill Clinton, the 42nd president, but by her own stepdaughter.

And tonight, Melania Trump speaks on the first night of the Republican National Convention — not a plum slot for a potential first lady. It will be the first time many Americans hear the 46-year-old Slovenia native, who'll be introduced by the presumptive nominee himself.

“The convention is going to offer most people the first chance to form a legitimate opinion about her,’’ says Carl Sferrazza Anthony, historian for the National First Ladies; Library in Canton, Ohio.

Many delegates were already in her corner Monday. "She has a unique perspective to share as an immigrant who came in legally through the front door,'' said Ben Kinlaw, of Barnwell, S.C.

"She can tell us about a softer side of Donald Trump,'' added Suzanne Greene Butterfield of Gaysville, Vt., who was elected as a John Kasich delegate and has been slowly coming around to Trump. She had no doubt that, despite her inexperience, Melania Trump would rise to the occasion: "She has a great command of the English language.''

"I love her voice, and I love her accent,'' said Karen Pfaehler of Bozeman, Mont., former vice chair of the state Republican Party. 

Such opinions may be crucial for Trump, who is unpopular with female voters.

As a former model, Melania Trump is used to bright lights. But her low-key campaign role seems one of many things on which she and her husband agree. She says she prefers to be home with their 10-year-old son Barron, and her husband seems happy to have the chief surrogate’s role played by his 34-year-old daughter Ivanka.

The problem is that for a candidate’s family, a presidential campaign is an all-hands-on-deck occasion. No candidate can raise enough funds or make enough rallies, and few surrogates are more popular with audiences or donors than a close relative of the candidate who “couldn’t be here today.’’

It’s a role Ivanka, an experienced businesswoman, public speaker and key campaign advisor, fills with aplomb and apparent relish.

Melania, not so much. Her public speaking largely has been limited to introducing her husband. “I don’t see her going much beyond that kind of role,’’ says Katherine Jellison, an Ohio University historian and expert on first ladies.  

And, she notes, the primary traditional roles for a nominee’s spouse are booster and character witness. Donald Trump is willing and able to tout himself.

But Anita McBride, who was Laura Bush’s chief of staff, says a nominee’s spouse is a priceless campaign asset that goes unused at the candidate’s peril.

“The voters are always interested in the people closest to the candidate, and there’s a fascination with Melania,’’ she says. “If you’re a campaign political director, you get a lot of calls asking for the candidate. If you can say, ‘I can’t get you the candidate, but I can get you a family member,’ they’re usually OK with that. There is nothing more enticing to small town America than the relative of a candidate.’’  

Anthony says Melania Trump’s limited role is understandable: She’s a reminder to social conservatives of Trump’s two divorces; unlike many other political spouses, she didn’t know she was marrying into politics; and her husband has Ivanka, whose political role Anthony describes as the most expansive played by a daughter in more than 40 years, since Julie Nixon pleaded her father Richard’s case during the Watergate scandal.

Melania, on the other hand, has so far fit the mold of a 19th or early 20th century candidate’s wife. Yet she’d have big shoes to fill.

In 2012 Michelle Obama was widely regarded as a more popular campaigner than her husband, Jellison says. In 2004, Laura Bush barnstormed so aggressively she said she lost track of where she was. And in 1992 a candidate told voters if they elected him, they’d “get two’’ — Bill and Hillary Clinton —“for the price of one.’’

Melania may not be political, but if Donald Trump becomes president she will be historic: the first foreign-born first lady since John Quincy Adams’ wife Louisa (who was born in England); the first non-native English speaker; the first third spouse of a president; and, as far as history records, the first former lingerie model.

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