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Secret Service director: Agency accounting for Dallas in RNC security prep

CLEVELAND — Less than a week before the opening of the Republican National Convention, the federal official overseeing security efforts said Tuesday that authorities are focusing on worst-case scenarios, including aspects of the deadly Dallas ambush that left five area police officers dead.

CLEVELAND — Less than a week before the opening of the Republican National Convention, the federal official overseeing security efforts said Tuesday that authorities are focusing on worst-case scenarios, including aspects of the deadly Dallas ambush that left five area police officers dead.

U.S. Secret Service Director Joseph Clancy said in an interview with USA TODAY that the yearlong preparations in advance of Cleveland and the Democratic convention in Philadelphia later this month included planning for "similar elements" of last week's stunning assault in Texas, where heavily-armed former Army reservist Micah X. Johnson fatally shot officers who were accompanying protesters rallying against recent incidents of excessive force used by police.

"Yes," Clancy said when asked whether security planning accounted for a scenario like Dallas. "You look at snipers, you look at mass attacks, you look at protest groups large and small. You look at any possibility that's out there.''

Nevertheless, the director said authorities did not regard the thousands of protesters expected to descend here and in Philadelphia as a security threat and that no specific or credible threats to the conventions have been identified.

While Clancy said the Cleveland convention presented "difficult challenges" because of the city's densely packed downtown, the proximity of businesses and residential neighborhoods to the secure convention zone and the harsh rhetoric that has become a staple of the primary season, he was "confident in the planning."

"I am always re-evaluating what we are doing," Clancy said.

The director acknowledged the heightened tension in the country in the aftermath of Dallas and continuing demonstrations related to a succession of police killings. Yet, unlike some analysts who have suggested that clashes between protesters and police were perhaps inevitable at the conventions, Clancy said violence can be avoided.

"There is a lot of passion," the director said. "But I would say to these organizers of protest groups, if they see something or someone who doesn't belong, say something."

At a security briefing later Tuesday, city and federal officials outlined a massive plan involving 73 government agencies, including the U.S. Coast Guard.

Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams said the city had secured agreements with other law enforcement agencies to recruit an additional force comprised of outside officers and those numbers surpassed initial estimates, despite concerns expressed by departments that Cleveland could not properly ensure outside forces against injury. Williams declined to provide the specific number of outside officers who would be working the convention, though the supplemental force was expected to be in the hundreds.

Stephen Anthony, the FBI's chief in Cleveland, said "hundreds'' of federal agents were being deployed to the city.

In addition to the flood of law enforcement officers, Williams said a network of surveillance cameras will keep watch throughout the city.

"There will be security cameras, there will be observation platforms, some that you will never see,'' Williams said. "We have planned, we have what-iffed, we have table-topped this to yesterday,'' he added.

Like Texas, Ohio allows for the open carry of firearms and Williams said authorities are confident that they can manage such displays, despite the problems Dallas police initially encountered in their attempts to sort possible suspects from protesters who were carrying weapons when Johnson launched his attack.

At least 20 people involved in the Dallas protest were armed or carrying ammunition gear at the time.

Williams said Cleveland officers are "used to seeing'' such displays at local gun rights rallies, including in the city's public square where protesters and other activists are being provided a podium to speak throughout the convention.

"We're not going to restrict anyone's constitutional rights,'' the chief said.

Williams acknowledged the unusually large security operation, appealing for the public's assistance and patience throughout.

"We like to say that it's going to be business as usual in an unusual matter,'' the chief said.

Cleveland NAACP President Michael Nelson, who has raised concerns about the city's readiness, said the designated march and protest zones has "unnecessarily restricted'' movement across the city.

He also suggested that presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump has dangerously inflamed followers who are expected to flock to the city.

"It has created a powder keg,'' Nelson said.

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