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81-yr-old Connecticut man has been out 1,000 straight days for immigration rights

When he could no longer walk, he decided to sit on a busy street corner

WETHERSFIELD, Conn. — A Wethersfield Man is celebrating 1000 consecutive days advocating for the rights of immigrants and dreamers.

In 2018, Alan Dornan grew furious with the injustices he was seeing in the world when it came to immigrants and the rights of dreamers. “I just suddenly heard this voice in my head that said, walk!”

And so, 1000 days ago, the then 78-year-old Alan Dornan picked up his sign, and began walking. He walked 2 miles every single day with his sign until he was no longer able to do so. Suffering from scoliosis and other back issues, but changed his commitment to sit on the corner for 90 minutes every day.

Alan is passionate about advocating for the dreamers and immigrants and is a Member on the Immigrant and Refugee Coalition Board.

Alan will continue to fulfill his commitment until he can no longer do so.

Last year, Dornan said he’s fighting for those without a voice, and said he will use his platform to make a difference for as long as he can.

Dornan said, “Congress needs to pass comprehensive immigration reform that includes permanent legal status and a pathway to citizenship for the 11 plus million undocumented immigrants in America.”

At that time, his neighbors said no matter where you stand on the issue seeing his strength makes them proud.

Tammy Dube said, “It doesn’t matter if it’s rain, if it’s icy he walks and it’s amazing to see him.”

Tammy’s husband, Paul, further explained, “You got to respect him for what he believes in and it’s a good thing that he does that, but it’s a human respect thing for another human and I wish more people could be like him.”

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