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Woman sentenced for killing Cleveland State University professor at home in Hudson: Watch video from the courtroom

Terreionna Paschal pleaded guilty to aggravated murder in connection with the death of Todd Morgan, who was a Cleveland State University professor.

AKRON, Ohio — Terreionna Paschal, a 32-year-old woman who pleaded guilty to killing Cleveland State University professor Todd Morgan at his home in Hudson, has learned her fate.

During sentencing in Akron on Thursday morning, a judge ordered Paschal to serve 23 years to life behind bars.

“There’s nothing that the court can do to make this better, to make this OK, to make this any easier," the judge said to the victim's family shortly before announcing the sentence. "I will say that the avoidance of a trial is a benefit to everyone because it is an extremely traumatic experience for everyone involved. There would be images and things that you would have to see that you could never un-see. And so I appreciate Miss Paschal for taking responsibility for this and making it so that the family does not have to go through any additional trauma based on the actions that occurred back in April of 2023.”

Paschal also offered the following brief statement before learning her punishment: “To his family, I’m very sorry and hope that one day that you can find it in your hearts to forgive me.”

We streamed the entire sentencing, which you can watch in full below:

A jury trial was scheduled to start Wednesday prior to Paschal pleading guilty to aggravated murder with a gun specification.


There were multiple victim impact statements made at Thursday's sentencing hearing, including emotional comments from the victim's mother. You can watch some of those statements in the videos below:

“Todd’s not here to tell his story," his mother said in court. "Only God, Todd and you know the truth of what happened on April 19. All I know, he was brutally murdered by you and he basically died for nothing. You didn’t even know him. Your actions to take my son’s life changed my life forever. It’s changed all of our lives. Even more so, you took a father from two beautiful children. They were his world and he was theirs.”

Morgan's mother, who spoke for more than 10 minutes, addressed Paschal directly.

“I would like to say I hope you burn in hell, but I can’t because I’m a Christian," she continued. "I serve a God of love and a God of justice. I know that it is not God’s will for anyone -- not even you. What he wants is that you truly repent for this evil act you have committed. I sincerely hope you will find true forgiveness, and only Jesus gives it when we ask. This is the only way you will ever be truly free. Todd’s family deserves to know what really happened that day. If you ever find the courage to tell the truth, I would like to hear it from you. His children would like to hear it, I’m sure, someday when they’re adults. And his family would like to know. May God help you, Miss Paschal. I hope, in all of those dark moments where you’ll be sitting, that you will find and seek him.”

“You have caused immense pain to many in this room," said the woman who shares a child with the victim. "That pain exists because Todd was so deeply loved. We are all deeply loved. Despite our suffering, I find myself feeling sorry for you. You do not know love. If you had ever truly loved or been loved we would not be here in this courtroom today and with you and your situation as you now stand. I pity you for the emptiness of your existence. You have lived a life devoid of love, support and purpose, and now you face a future devoid of any chance for redemption. What should’ve been some of the best days of your life will instead be spent in a bleak repetition of regret. I do not envy you or the life you have chosen.”


On April 19, 2023, Morgan was found dead by police during a welfare check at a Hudson residence. Officers reported Morgan had sustained multiple gunshot wounds to the head and torso. 

“Our hearts go out to Todd’s family and friends. Through my department’s investigation, we determined that this was an isolated incident,” said Chief Perry Tabak following the incident. “Thank you to our dedicated officers of the Hudson Police Department for their hard work in making an arrest in this case.”

Following the incident, Paschal was indicted by a Summit County grand jury on the following charges: 

  • One count of aggravated murder with a gun specification 
  • Three counts of murder
  • One count of tampering with evidence
  • One count of aggravated robbery 
  • One count of misdemeanor theft 
  • One count of attempted theft 



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