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Georgia Election Results | GOP lieutenant governor's runoff too close to call

David Shafer and Geoff Duncan are tied in a runoff to determine who will face Democrat Sarah Riggs Amico this fall.

Don't tell the two men who are tied to become GOP nominee for lieutenant governor that every vote doesn't count.

With 100 percent of the precincts reporting, Geoff Duncan was leading state Sen. David Shafer by less than 1,500 votes, effectively putting both men at 50 percent.

Once the Georgia Secretary of State certifies the election, whoever finishes second has the right to request a recount within five days, almost a certainty given the importance of becoming the state's No. 2 elected official.

Either Duncan or Shafer will face Democrat Sarah Riggs Amico on Nov. 6 in the race to replace Casey Cagle, who lost a bid to become the GOP gubernatorial nominee Tuesday night against Brian Kemp.

Shafer and Duncan finished first and second, respectively, back on May 22, while Amico defeated her primary opponent.

The race between Shafer and Duncan took a nasty turn late in the campaign, with both candidates launching a series of negative, attack ads on the other.

The lieutenant governor's position is widely seen throughout the state as a launching point for higher office, including governor, U.S. senator and Congress.

Cagle became the state's first Republican lieutenant governor in history 12 years ago.

(Full elections results below -- App users click here)

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