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Here's how Georgians feel under President Trump's term, according to new poll

Georgia voters are nearly tied when it comes to impeaching and removing Trump.

ATLANTA — A new NBC|SurveyMonkey poll shows that voters in Georgia are nearly tied when it comes to the impeachment of President Donald Trump, which is reflective of the national answer as well.

The poll, conducted online, was conducted between Oct. 8 and Oct. 22 of this year.

The error estimate for registered voters is plus or minus 3.6 percentage points. Here are the results, among registered voters: 

Which one of the following issues matters MOST to you right now? The numbers show that jobs and the economy mean the most to Georgia voters right now. 

Foreign policy: 2%

The environment: 9%

Terrorism: 3%


Health care:19%

Jobs and the economy:26%


Government ethics:18%


No answer:1%

Which one of the following do you think should be the top priority of the Georgia state government?  The numbers show that jobs and the economy mean the most to Georgia voters right now. 

Health care:25%

Jobs and economy:34%


Infrastructure: 11%


Government ethics:18%


No answer:1%

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bryan Kemp is handling his job as Governor of Georgia? More Georgians approve of the way Kemp is handling his job as Georgia governor. 

Strongly approve:29%

Somewhat approve:34%

Somewhat disapprove:18%

Strongly disapprove:18%

No answer:2%

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president? Georgians strongly disapprove of the way Trump is handling his job as president.

Strongly approve:33%

Somewhat approve:15%

Somewhat disapprove:9%

Strongly disapprove:42%

No answer:1%

Do you think that President Trump should be impeached and removed from office? More Georgians believe that President Trump shouldn't be impeached.

Yes: 49%

No: 50%

No answer: 2%

Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Georgia State Legislature is handling its job? People somewhat approve of the way the Georgia State Legislature is handling its job. 

Strongly approve:10%

Somewhat approve:48%

Somewhat disapprove:25%

Strongly disapprove:14%

No answer:3%

Do you approve or disapprove of the way the U.S. Congress is handling its job? More Georgians disapprove than not. 

Strongly approve:4%

Somewhat approve:26%

Somewhat disapprove:30%

Strongly disapprove:39%

No answer:2%

How do you rate the condition of the national economy these days? According to this survey, double the people believe the national economy is doing fairly good as opposed to fairly bad. 

Very good:21%

Fairly good:47%

Fairly bad:24%

Very bad:6%

No answer:3%

How would you rate the condition of the Georgia economy these days? More people believe the state economy is doing fairly good and good than not.

Very good:19%

Fairly good:60%

Fairly bad:17%

Very bad:3%

No answer:1%

How often do you trust the federal government to do what is right? More Georgians fall between the "about half of the time" and "almost never" end of the spectrum. 

Just about always:3%

Most of the time:13%

About half of the time:27%

Some of the time:31%

Almost never:24%

No answer:1%

How often do you trust the state government to do what is right? Georgians seem to trust the state government slightly more than the federal government overall. 

Just about always:3%

Most of the time:22%

About half of the time:32%

Some of the time:26%

Almost never:15%

No answer:1%

Thinking about the elections next year, how important will state government spending on infrastructure be to your vote? Respondents definitely find infrastructure spending to be on the important side of things.

Very Important: 19%

Somewhat Important: 55%

Not very important: 21%

Not at all important: 4%

No answer: 1%

How willing would you be to pay higher taxes to improve public schools in Georgia? More Georgians are somewhat willing to pay higher taxes. 

Very willing:18%

Somewhat willing:39%

Not too willing:25%

Not at all willing:17%

No answer:1%

How willing would you be to pay higher taxes to fund improvements to infrastructure, like roads and bridges, in your state? It turns out people are somewhat willing to pay higher taxes to improve infrastructure. 

Very willing:13%

Somewhat willing:46%

Not too willing:27%

Not at all willing:14%

No answer:1%

How good of a job is the Georgia state government doing at maintaining roads, bridges and other infrastructure? People in Georgia believe the state is doing a pretty good job with infrastructure. 

Very good: 12%

Somewhat good: 52%

Somewhat poor: 25%

Very poor: 11%

No answer: 1%

Do you think race relations are getting better, getting worse, or staying the same? More Georgians believe that race relations are getting worse or staying the same. This is reflective of the results of the last two polls conducted.

Getting better: 21%

Getting worse: 36%

Staying about the same: 42%

No answer: 1%

Do you support or oppose removing Confederate monuments and statues from public spaces around Georgia? Double the amount of Georgians oppose removing the monuments. 

Strongly support: 23%

Somewhat support: 16%

Somewhat oppose: 19%

Strongly oppose: 41%

No answer: 1%

Thinking about the elections next year, if a candidate wanted to expand Medicaid in your state, would that make you more likely to vote for that candidate, less likely, or wouldn’t it make much difference in your vote? People are more likely to vote for a candidate if they want to expand Medicaid. 

More likely:38%

Less likely:26%

Wouldn’t make much difference:34%

No answer:1%

In 1973, the Roe v. Wade decision established a woman's constitutional right to an abortion, at least in the first three months of pregnancy. Would you like to see the Supreme Court completely overturn its Roe v. Wade decision, or not? Nearly double the amount of Georgians don't want this decision to be overturned. 



No answer:3%

RELATED: New poll shows how Southerners feel under President Trump's term

Nationally, results from the poll show voters nationally are more concerned with jobs and the economy than any other topic --which is also reflected in the regional results. More people (44%) strongly disapprove of the way Trump is handling his job as president nationally. Nationally, twice as many people believe that Roe v. Wade shouldn't be overturned (66% aren't in favor vs. 31% in favor). Results are among a national sample of 20,701 adults aged 18 and over, including 18,101 registered voters. The error estimate for registered voters is plus or minus 1.1 percentage points. 

RELATED: What does it take to impeach the President of the United States?

The NBC News|SurveyMonkey Georgia Poll was conducted online among a sample of 1,187 registered voters. Respondents for this survey were selected from the more than two million people who take surveys on the SurveyMonkey platform each day. 


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