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Sam Nunn talks daughter's Senate run

Former Sen. Sam Nunn says his daughter can win.
Former Sen. Sam Nunn

ATLANTA -- Former U.S. Sen. Sam Nunn has accomplished just about everything in public life. He's one of Georgia's most famous and accomplished sons, 24 years in the US Senate, King & Spalding, Emory, Eagle Scout, star basketball player, Augusta National member, thinker, CEO for the Nuclear Threat Initiative and now something new: father of the candidate.

Nunn's daughter, Michelle, is running for the US Senate.

CORRECTION: In a previous report Thursday night, we incorrectly stated Nunn was running unopposed as a Democrat. Nunn has three other Democratic challengers for the seat of retiring Republican Saxby Chambliss.

The four Democrat candidates are:
- Branko "Rad" Radulovacki (Website: www.drradforsenate.com)
- Michaelle Nunn (Website: michellenunn.com)
- O. "Steen" Miles (Website: www.steenmilesussenate.com)
- Todd Anthony Robinson (Website: www.todd4ussenate.org)

Sen. Nunn is well-known for staying out of campaigns, but this time -- well, it's different.

"I told her the other day- - somewhat jokingly -- I said, 'Michelle, as you know, I've stayed out of other people's politics. I just take care of my own races.' I said, 'I'm going to go out on a limb -- if you are 4 percent ahead going into September, I think I'm going to endorse you,'" he said.

When asked if he thinks Michelle can win, Sam Nunn said he believes it can happen.

"When you look at the number of Senate seats, you look at the President's lack of popularity right now and look at all those things- - it should be a Republican year- - but Michelle may be the exception," Nunn said. "You know my role in Michelle's life since she was about 20 years old is to listen very carefully to her plans and then tell her, they're not likely to work, they're not practical and no realistic and then sit back and watch her make them work. So I have learned to not ever discount her tenacity and her ability to inspire other people. That's what leadership is about in the final analysis is inspiring other people."

Sen. Nunn is the last Democratic senator from Georgia to win re-election, back in 1990.


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