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Trump lauds new Georgia election board members, raising Democrats' suspicions

The new rules could make 2020-type challenges easier.

ATLANTA — The new Republican majority state election board advanced a new rule on Tuesday that would give greater access to poll watchers at voting precincts.

It comes after former President Donald Trump praised the new board’s makeup and stoked concerns about it becoming a tool for election deniers later this year.  

For most of its existence, the state election board has not had a high profile.

"I don’t know if you’ve heard, but the Georgia State Election Board is in a very positive way," Trump told thousands of supporters at an Atlanta rally on Saturday, raising the election board's profile. 

"They're on fire. They’re doing a great job. Three members," Trump said, name-checking new Republican-appointed members Janice Johnston, Rick Jeffares and Janelle King.  Johnston attended the rally. When recognized by Trump, she turned and waved to the cheering crowd.  

So what’s wrong with that? Plenty, say Democrats.

"Trump singled out the state election board members by name and thanked them for their efforts to change Georgia's election certification rules," said state Rep. Ruwa Romman (D-Duluth) on Tuesday. "Trump's comments may have shown his hand and revealed a concerted effort to undermine Georgia elections."

Trump hinted he expected them to help his candidacy to victory. 

"Three people – are all fighting for honesty, transparency and victory," he said. 

Political parties have historically appointed members to the election board. In 2020, new board member Janelle King appeared onstage at an Atlanta Trump rally.

King said she’s still a Trump backer but that it won’t affect her election board work.

"Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian -- we’ve heard it from everyone," King said Tuesday during a break in an election board meeting.  "There’s a lack of confidence in our election process. I want to make sure we’re reviewing these rules. I take it very seriously."

So, too, do her critics, who will be scrutinizing the election board’s work even more now that it’s been loaded with Donald Trump enthusiasts.

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