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These are the states people are leaving Georgia for

Georgia has been growing based on state-to-state migration flows, but that still involves many people choosing to leave the Peach State.

ATLANTA — Georgia has had sustained population growth for a long while now, including a migration flow that tends to see more people moving here than moving out. 

Nonetheless, people do choose to leave the Peach State in large numbers. Data published annually by the Census Bureau show us where they're going.

RELATED: Here's where people are moving to Georgia from

In raw figures, many of the states where most Georgia residents depart to won't be surprising: Peach State neighbors Florida, North Carolina, Alabama and South Carolina are all among the top states. Other large population states, like Texas, New York and California tend to rank high.

Perhaps more interestingly is the net migration pattern, which shows, for instance, that Georgia sent 3,000 more people to Kentucky in 2022 than came here. Georgia has a net positive migration with most states - though it tends to be more conservative states where Georgia has a net negative migration pattern. That includes Kentucky, Alabama, South Carolina, and South Dakota.

Below, find a map where you can find the numbers as well as lists - first by total number of leaving residents, and then alphabetical - with the numbers for each state. And at the bottom, we'll include a list showing where Georgia loses the most people to.

Which states people in Georgia are leaving for | Map

Which states people in Georgia are leaving for | List by number

  1. Florida: 39,990
  2. Alabama: 23,155
  3. North Carolina: 22,551
  4. Texas: 22,324
  5. South Carolina: 19,121
  6. Tennessee: 14,770
  7. California: 11,002
  8. New York: 8,889
  9. Illinois: 7,424
  10. Virginia: 6,689
  11. Washington: 5,574
  12. Kentucky: 4,941
  13. Ohio: 4,155
  14. Connecticut: 3,478
  15. Michigan: 3,404
  16. Missouri: 3,395
  17. Colorado: 3,360
  18. Kansas: 3,284
  19. Louisiana: 3,215
  20. Maryland: 3,193
  21. Mississippi: 3,094
  22. Arizona: 3,046
  23. Pennsylvania: 2,982
  24. West Virginia: 2,903
  25. Hawaii: 2,823
  26. Oklahoma: 2,576
  27. Indiana: 2,326
  28. D.C.: 2,289
  29. South Dakota: 2,134
  30. Massachusetts: 2,024
  31. Puerto Rico: 1,642
  32. Idaho: 1,548
  33. Oregon: 1,230
  34. New Mexico: 1,162
  35. Wisconsin: 1,064
  36. New Jersey: 961
  37. Minnesota: 892
  38. Nevada: 842
  39. Alaska: 834
  40. Montana: 563
  41. Arkansas: 497
  42. Nebraska: 447
  43. North Dakota: 433
  44. Wyoming: 425
  45. New Hampshire: 416
  46. Utah: 398
  47. Maine: 358
  48. Delaware: 293
  49. Iowa: 289
  50. Vermont: 143
  51. Rhode Island: 36

Which states people in Georgia are leaving for | List by alphabetical

  • Alabama: 23,155
  • Alaska: 834
  • Arizona: 3,046
  • Arkansas: 497
  • California: 11,002
  • Colorado: 3,360
  • Connecticut: 3,478
  • Delaware: 293
  • D.C.: 2,289
  • Florida: 39,990
  • Hawaii: 2,823
  • Idaho: 1,548
  • Illinois: 7,424
  • Indiana: 2,326
  • Iowa: 289
  • Kansas: 3,284
  • Kentucky: 4,941
  • Louisiana: 3,215
  • Maine: 358
  • Maryland: 3,193
  • Massachusetts: 2,024
  • Michigan: 3,404
  • Minnesota: 892
  • Mississippi: 3,094
  • Missouri: 3,395
  • Montana: 563
  • Nebraska: 447
  • Nevada: 842
  • New Hampshire: 416
  • New Jersey: 961
  • New Mexico: 1,162
  • New York: 8,889
  • North Carolina: 22,551
  • North Dakota: 433
  • Ohio: 4,155
  • Oklahoma: 2,576
  • Oregon: 1,230
  • Pennsylvania: 2,982
  • Puerto Rico: 1,642
  • Rhode Island: 369
  • South Carolina: 19,121
  • South Dakota: 2,134
  • Tennessee: 14,770
  • Texas: 22,324
  • Utah: 398
  • Vermont: 143
  • Virginia: 6,689
  • Washington: 5,574
  • West Virginia: 2,903
  • Wisconsin: 1,064
  • Wyoming: 425

Net migration to Georgia list


  1. California: +14,958
  2. Florida: +11,390
  3. New York: +7,646
  4. Virginia: +7,515
  5. New Jersey: +7,334
  6. Pennsylvania: +6,241
  7. Tennessee: +4,015
  8. Illinois: +3,672
  9. Maryland: +3,513
  10. Washington: +3,187
  11. Indiana: +2,611
  12. Nevada: +2,515
  13. Michigan: +2,412
  14. Utah: +2,355
  15. Colorado: +2,059
  16. Texas: +1,430
  17. Massachusetts: +1,275
  18. Louisiana: +1,211
  19. Wisconsin: +1,113
  20. Ohio: +1,066
  21. Missouri: +946
  22. Minnesota: +933
  23. North Carolina: +624
  24. New Hampshire: +470
  25. Montana: +403
  26. Oregon: +364
  27. Delaware: +292
  28. Nebraska: +265
  29. Iowa: +241
  30. Arkansas: +34


  1. Kentucky: -3,000
  2. Alabama: -2,124
  3. South Dakota: -1,837
  4. Kansas: -1,422
  5. West Virginia: -1,268
  6. Arizona: -1,248
  7. Puerto Rico: -1,188
  8. Mississippi: -1,108
  9. D.C.: -1,046
  10. Connecticut: -952
  11. South Carolina: -793
  12. Alaska: -624
  13. Oklahoma: -499
  14. Idaho: -497
  15. Rhode Island: -251
  16. North Dakota: -215
  17. Hawaii: -181
  18. Wyoming: -143
  19. Vermont: -143*** (Again, Vermont is listed as having sent 0 residents to Georgia in 2022)
  20. New Mexico: -133
  21. Maine: -86


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