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Why does the Thanksgiving meal make you sleepy?

Blame the turkey if you want, but it's only partly to blame with our droopy, post-meal state

ATLANTA – Naps are as much a part of the Thanksgiving tradition as filling your stomach, but why is turkey associated with making you sleepy?

11Alive’s Why Guy discovered that the centerpiece of your Thanksgiving meal is only partly to blame for your droopy, post-meal state.

Turkey contains tryptophan, which is an amino acid your body uses to create serotonin. Higher levels of serotonin can lower anxiety and lead to sleep.

But all meats have roughly the same amount of tryptophan as turkey. It’s also in cheese, nuts, and shellfish.

“Lots of foods have it, even chocolate,” says food expert Nancy Waldeck.

Let’s look at what else is on your Thanksgiving plate.

There are a lot of carbohydrates like stuffing, sweet potatoes, and bread.

Carbs, when combined with tryptophan, can stimulate your body to produce even more serotonin.

A glass of wine with your Thanksgiving meal will certainly contribute to your sleepy state.

When the meal is over we typically fall onto the couch for a football game or parade. That state of repose will naturally lead to sleep.

“It’s most likely the size of the meal,” says Waldeck. “Remembering to take small portions and eat slowly is probably the best way to enjoy the entire Thanksgiving holiday without the food coma.”

So blame the turkey if you want, but ultimately, Thanksgiving is just a good day for a nap.

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