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NWS confirms 40 tornadoes ripped through Georgia

Last week brought some of the most gruesome tornadoes throughout the southern region of Georgia.

The tornado leveled a mobile home park in Adel, GA.  PHOTO: Reginald Garland

The National Weather Service confirmed that Georgia experienced 40 tornadoes in the span of two days last week.

In all, from January 21st through January 23rd, 75 tornadoes were confirmed throughout eight states from Texas to South Carolina. These storms became the second deadliest January tornado outbreak in U.S History, falling right behind the January tornadoes of 1999.

However, the January tornadoes in Georgia went down as the third deadliest tornado outbreak in Georgia history and the deadliest outbreak in South Georgia.

Storm winds reached over 70 mph throughout cities such as Adel and Albany, Georgia with tornadoes in Albany traveling over 70 miles long.

These tornadoes took the lives of at least 15 people while injuring 43 others.

Areas around the state continue to recover as the American Red Cross is mobilizing its resources and volunteers to help those impacted.

PHOTOS | Deadly tornadoes cause massive damage in Albany

PHOTOS | Aerials of tornado damage in Albany, Ga

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