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Preparations for Hurricane Helene begin in Georgia | What officials say

As emergency management staff get ready they are encouraging residents to do the same.

ATLANTA — As Helene continues to move toward Georgia, the governor has declared a State of Emergency, and storm preps are underway.  Emergency Management officials have also placed resources and crews throughout the state to ensure they are ready to respond to any potential impacts.

“This is going to be a fast-moving wind event, with rain, and so we anticipate a very different response,” said GEMA director Chris Stallings during a news conference where he detailed their response efforts.

“Our logistical team is finalizing services and fueling our state fleet of generators and is beginning to fill resource requests to all local counties as they come in. Currently, you'll see Troopers out, engaged in clearing interstates and major roadways for abandoned vehicles to ensure that those evacuating can do so safely,” said Stallings, who adds crews are also removing debris from drains and roadways to help alleviate potential flooding. 

But, as emergency management staff get ready they are encouraging residents to do the same.  

“You can always put plywood or storm shutters on your windows. Take in outside furniture that may blow away or go into your windows.  If you have trees that look like you have branches about to come down, now is the time to cut those branches down so that they’re not flying through your windows or into neighbors’ yards,” said Katie Baratone Zwerk with the Red Cross.

It's also suggested that everyone has an emergency kit with enough water and non-perishable food for several days, as well as batteries, flashlights, medicine, and essential documents. Most importantly, they say have an emergency plan, which should include an evacuation route and potential shelter locations.

“We never know how big of a storm and how catastrophic it could be, and you just want to be prepared for the worst-case scenario at all times," Zwerk said.


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