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What to know before voting in Cobb County's general primary election

Georgia's primary election day is May 21. Here's what Cobb County voters need to know.

COBB COUNTY, Ga. — Cobb County voters are heading to the polls to cast their ballots in the General Primary Election on Tuesday, May 21. 

Here's a breakdown of how to check if you're registered to vote, where to vote and who is on the ballot.

How to check if you're registered 

Visit the Georgia Secretary of State's Office's My Voter Page

  • Enter your first initial, last name, county of residence and date of birth.
  • If you're registered to vote, your information will be available online. 

RELATED: What do I need to bring to vote in Georgia?

Where do I go to vote in Cobb County? 

You can find a polling location through the My Voter Page. Once you log into your account, you'll find the name and address of your voting precinct. 

On your My Voter Page, you'll also find information on early voting and absentee ballot drop box locations. There, you can also look at a sample ballot before you head to the polls.

RELATED: Georgia 2024 election dates, key deadlines | Timeline

Who is on the ballot

Nonpartisan candidates

For Judge of Superior Court 

 Judge of Supreme Court

Judge of Court of Appeals 

State Court Judge Post 1 

State Court Judge Post 2  

State Court Judge Post 3  

State Court Judge Post 4  

State Court Judge Post 6

State Court Judge Post 7 

State Court Judge Division II Post 2 

State Court Judge Division II Post 3 

Judge of Probate Court 

Chief Magistrate Judge 


United States Representative District 11 

United States Representative District 14 

United States Representative District 6

State House Representative District 19 

State House Representative District 22 

State House Representative District 34 

State House Representative District 35 

State House Representative District 36 

State House Representative District 37 

  • Shea Taylor

State House Representative District 41 

  • Andrea Smith

State House Representative District 42 

  • Diane E. Jackson

State House Representative 44

State House Representative District 45 

State House Representative District 46 

State House Representative District 60 

  • Cathy G. Henson

State Senate District 32 

State Senate District 37 

State Senate 56

Clerk of State Court 

  • Robin C. Bishop - Incumbent

Clerk of Superior Court 

  • Deborah Dance

Commission Chairperson 

Commissioner District 2 

  • Pamela Reardon


School Board Post 1 

  • Randall Allen Scamihorn - Incumbent 

School Board Post 5 

School Board Post 7 

State Republican Party Questions

  1.  For future elections, do you want hand-marked paper ballots scanned and verified by hand count in live stream video? 
  2. Should the legislature enact the FairTax, replacing the state income tax and state sales tax with a consumption tax equal to current state funding and taxing no legal citizen or family up to the poverty level of spending? 
  3. Should the legislature ban registered lobbyists from serving on the State Elections Board? 
  4. Should the Georgia Republican Primary have a closed primary, meaning that only registered Republicans would be allowed to vote in the Republican Primary?
  5. Should public officials who allow illegal migration to occur be held responsible for crimes committed by illegal aliens? 
  6. Would you support a statewide vote to allow gaming in Georgia so the voters can decide this issue instead of politicians in Atlanta? 
  7. Currently, hundreds of thousands of hours and dollars are spent every year cleaning up voter rolls. Would you support an amendment to the National Voting Rights Act that would require registered voters to renew their registration every four years? 
  8. Do you believe unelected and unaccountable international bureaucrats, like the UN-controlled World Health Organization (WHO), should have complete control over the management of future pandemics in the United States and authority to regulate your healthcare and personal health choices? 


United States Representative District 11 

United States Representative District 13 

United States Representative District 14 

 United States Representative District 6 

State House Representative District 19 

  • R.J. Coyle 

State House Representative District 22 

  • James 'JL' Shade

State House Representative District 34 

  • Karl Gallegos 

State House Representative District 35 

State House Representative District 36 

  • Steven Lang

State House Representative District 37 

State House Representative District 38 

State House Representative District 39 

State House Representative District 40 

State House Representative District 41 

State House Representative District 42 

State House Representative District 43 

State House Representative District 44 

  • Danielle Bell 

State House Representative District 45 

State House Representative District 46 

 State House Representative District 60 

State House Representative District 61 

State Senate District 28 

State Senate District 33 

State Senate District 35 

State Senate District 37 

State Senate District 56 

Clerk of State Court 

  • Tahnicia Phillips

Commission Chairperson 

Commissioner District 2 

Commissioner District 4 

School Board Post 1 

  • Vickie H. W. Benson

School Board Post 3 

  • Leroy Tre' Hutchins - Incumbent

School Board Post 5 

School Board Post 7 

Clerk of Superior Court 

Tax Commissioner 

Cobb County Judicial Circuit District Attorney 

Cobb County Democratic Party Questions 

  1. Due to the rising cost of living, do you agree that all levels of Cobb government should prioritize making Cobb provide more affordable housing for renters and home-buyers? 
  2. Do you agree that Cobb's public school administrators have a duty to focus on research-based curricula and teachings that prepare our children for 21st-century jobs and that they should avoid wasting taxpayer funds on personal, political vendettas that undermine their professionalism and credibility with our children and divide our community?
  3. Mental Health Services are in dire need in the county and throughout the state of Georgia. Should Georgia increase yearly funding to address the mental health crisis?
  4.  Should Georgia accept federal funding to expand Medicaid for over 400,000 Georgians?
  5. Should marijuana be legalized, taxed, and regulated in the same manner as alcohol for adults 21 years and older, with proceeds going toward education? (or you could also add in healthcare programming)
  6. Should every 3- and 4-year-old be given the opportunity to attend high-quality preschool free of charge?
  7. Should Georgia have a state-funded paid family leave program for people who need to care for a seriously ill family member or elderly?
  8. Should there be a tax on nicotine products (including cigarettes, liquid for e-cigarettes or vape pens, nicotine pouches and nicotine gum) that goes towards education?
  9. Should incarcerated people have the ability to obtain HOPE grants for education?

State Democratic Party Questions 

  1. Should the United States and the State of Georgia protect Georgians from gun violence by banning assault weapons and large-capacity magazines, closing background check loopholes, and passing other common-sense gun safety reforms?
  2. Should the State of Georgia incentivize clean energy production as part of a climate policy that recognizes the urgent threat that climate change poses to Georgians' health, lives and future?
  3.  Should the State of Georgia expand voter access by allowing same-day voter registration, removing obstacles to voting by mail, and making secure ballot drop boxes accessible at all times through Election Day?
  4. Should the State of Georgia protect reproductive freedom by repealing the current six-week abortion ban, restoring the protections of Roe v. Wade and ensuring access to contraceptives, IVF, abortion and other reproductive health care?
  5. Should the State of Georgia stop using taxpayer dollars intended for public education to pay for private school vouchers? 
  6. Should the State of Georgia raise the minimum wage to a living wage
  7. Should the portion of the Georgia state constitution allowing for involuntary servitude of prisoners and others convicted of offenses be repealed, thus prohibiting all forms of slavery and involuntary servitude statewide?
  8. Should the State of Georgia improve access to safe, affordable housing by increasing the affordable housing supply, protecting tenants' rights to habitable living conditions, and cracking down on negligence or abuse by property management companies or landlords?

Kennesaw Special Election 

City Council At Large Post 5 

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